Blog Post
The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise as the Weather Warms Up
March 11, 2025
Blog Post
The Benefits of Outdoor Exercise as the Weather Warms Up
March 11, 2025
Warm Up Your Joints With Some Outdoor Activity
Spring officially begins on March 20, but you don’t have to wait until then to get out and enjoy the warmer weather and set the tone for spring and eventually summer with regards to your outdoor exercise routines.
There are many benefits to exercising outdoors, among them being the boost your body receives from the sunlight and natural Vitamin D absorption, which can lead to an improved mood. Other benefits also include your overall cardiovascular health, as well as kicking that nasty seasonal affective disorder which can keep you down in the winter months.
March is National Nutrition Month and utilizing the warmer weather that is coming is an excellent way to kickstart your well-being. Below are some key benefits and important considerations for your outdoor exercise routines.
Sunlight can lead to a Vitamin D boost which is crucial for bone health and immune function.
Spending time outdoors and in nature has been shown to have a positive effect on mood, while reducing stress, lowering anxiety and elevating serotonin levels.
Warmer temperatures help loosen muscles and allow for a greater range of motion, improving flexibility.
Outdoor exercise offers a more diverse range of activities than what you can find in a gym or in your own home.
Getting yourself out in the sun during exercise can help to regulate your sleep patterns, not to mention we all know how much better children sleep after they’ve had a fun workout. The same strategy works for us too!
While exercising outside it is also important to consider some tips for warmer weather.
Make sure to remain constantly hydrated, while also making sure to apply sunscreen. Think about your clothing as lighter selections make navigating your workout easier with warmer temperatures.
A gradual increase to your workout regimen is highly recommended and helps your body adjust to the heat and above all – listen to your body. Look for the signs of exhaustion, dizziness, nausea and heavy sweating and seek shelter if you need it.
With all that said, even if you don’t have a plan to work out, do your body a favor and simply get outdoors. Enjoy the sunlight and be active. It’ll do wonders to your health and mental well-being.