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Patients and Visitors


Patients and Visitors

We want you to feel like an honored guest at Freeman, whether you're preparing for a test, procedure, or stay in the hospital; planning to visit a loved one or looking for a doctor or specialist. Your needs always come first — if there's anything we can do to make your experience more pleasant, please call 417.347.1111.



Before Your Visit

    Print and complete the preregistration form. Take the completed form to the admissions desk at either Freeman West or Freeman Neosho, prior to your appointment.

    Freeman respects the sensitive nature of your healthcare information. We are required by law to:

    • Make sure that medical information that identifies you is kept private.
    • Give you this notice of our legal duties and privacy.
    • Follow the terms of the notice that is currently in effect.

    The Notice of Privacy Practices (Aviso de Practicas de Privacidad) describes how your protected health information may be used and disclosed and how you can get access to this information.

    By accepting below, I agree that I have read and understand the above information. I also acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to read/print the Freeman Health System Notice of Privacy Practices.

    For questions or information please contact Freeman Admissions at 417.347.4929, available 24/7.

    Download Preregistration Form

    Freeman West

    Near the main and emergency entrances, on the top level of the parking deck, and in the lot across from the Ball Medical Building on McIntosh Circle Drive

    Freeman Heart & Vascular Institute

    Near the main entrance of the Heart Institute and on the hill to the east

    Freeman East

    Near the Admitting entrance and just south of the Conference Center entrance

    Does your family know your wishes?

    Have you shared your preferences regarding medical treatment in the event you become incapacitated or unable to express your wishes? Advance medical directives can protect your rights if you ever become mentally or physically unable to choose or communicate your wishes regarding medical treatment. It is your right, as a competent adult, to accept or refuse medical care or treatment.

    Why file an advance medical directive?
    An advance medical directive protects your right to make medical choices when you cannot speak for yourself. It also assists your family by allowing them to know what your wishes are, and it provides guidelines for the physicians and healthcare providers who are taking care of you. Advance medical directives enable you to communicate your feelings about:

    • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) – used to restore stopped breathing and/or heartbeat.
    • Respirators/ventilators – machines used to keep patients breathing.
    • Dialysis – a method of cleaning a patient’s blood by machine when kidneys no longer work properly.
    • Intravenous therapy (IV) – used to provide water and/or medication through a tube placed in the vein.
    • Feeding tube – inserted through the nose and throat to provide nutrition when patients can no longer eat normally.

    What kinds of advance medical directives are recognized in Missouri?
    Living will: These written instructions, explaining your wishes regarding healthcare and treatment take effect while you are alive but unable to speak for yourself. A living will requires your witnessed signature and is only effective if you have a terminal condition.

    Durable power of attorney: This is a written document in which you name a person(s) as an agent or proxy to make decisions for you regarding healthcare treatment when you become unable to do so. In addition, you can state in your advance medical directive your wishes regarding donation of specific organs, bone or tissue for transplantation in the event of your death. A durable power of attorney requires your witnessed and notarized signature.
    English durable power of attorney form (page 2 of document)
    Spanish durable power of attorney form (page 2 of document)

    Important note: Advance medical directives do not take effect while you are able to communicate your wishes regarding healthcare treatment.

    How do I create advance medical directives?

    • Print advance medical directives form:
    • If you are a patient in the hospital, please ask your physician or nurse for assistance. 
    • Put your wishes in writing and be as specific as possible. Forms are available on our website and from Admissions for your use.
    • Sign and date your advance medical directives and have them witnessed and notarized, where appropriate.
    • Give your physician a copy to keep as part of your medical record.
    • Discuss your advance medical directives with family and friends and give copies to those who are likely to be notified in case of an emergency.
    • Review your advance medical directives regularly and make any changes when necessary.
    • Remember to inform your physician, family, and proxy or agent of any changes. You may revoke or revise either type of advance medical directive at any time, either orally or in writing. Freeman will honor your wishes as stated in a properly executed document.

    Keep a card in your wallet stating that you have an advance medical directive and where to find it. Please print a wallet card or obtain one from Freeman Admissions.


    A patient has the right:

    • To participate in the development and implementation of his/her plan of care;
    • Or for his/her representative/support person (as allowed under state law) to make informed decisions  rights include being informed of his/her health status, being involved in care planning and treatment, and being able to request or refuse treatment. This right must not be construed as a mechanism to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate.
    • To formulate advance directives and have hospital staff and practitioners who provide care in the hospital comply with these directives.
    • To have a family member or representative of his/her choice and his/her own physician notified promptly of his/her admission to the hospital.
    • To be informed of visitation rights and to choose who may visit him/her during his/her inpatient stay, regardless of whether the visitor is a family member, a spouse, a domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), a friend or other type of visitor, as well as the right to withdraw such consent to visitation at any time, and the right for a support person to be identified who, for incapacitated persons, can make the visitation decisions given to patients.
    • To personal privacy.
    • To receive care in a safe setting.
    • To be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
    • To the confidentiality of his/her clinical records.
    • To access information contained in his/her clinical records within a reasonable time frame. The hospital must not frustrate the legitimate efforts of individuals to gain access to their own medical records and must actively seek to meet these requests as quickly as its record keeping system permits.
    • To be free from restraints of any form that are not medically necessary or are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.
    • To be fully informed of and to consent or refuse to participate in any unusual, experimental or research project without compromising his/her access to services.
    • To know the professional status of any person providing his/her care or services.
    • To know the reasons for any proposed change in the professional staff responsible for his/her care.
    • To know the reasons for his/her transfer either within or outside the hospital.
    • To know the relationship(s) of the hospital to other persons or organizations participating in the provision of his/her care.
    • To access to the cost, itemized when possible, of services rendered within a reasonable period of time.
    • To be informed of the source of the hospital’s reimbursement for his/her services, and of any limitations which may be placed upon his/her care.
    • To be informed of the right to have pain treated as effectively as possible.
    • To request or have a representative request a discharge planning evaluation.
    • To seek review by the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for quality of care issues, coverage decisions, and to appeal a premature discharge, please contact KEPRO at 855.408.8557.
    • To file a complaint or grievance.

    The patient’s family has the right to give informed consent for donation of organs and tissues if patient meets eligibility requirements and no First Person Consent is present.

    For security purposes, certain areas of this facility may be under video surveillance and may be temporarily recorded. Security camera placement has been made with sensitivity to a patient’s right to personal privacy.

    As a Patient, you Have the Responsibility:


    • Provide accurate and complete information concerning your current health status, complaints, past medical history and all other matters that may affect medical treatment.
    • Communicate to your physician or healthcare provider whether or not you understand the course of your medical treatment and what is expected of you.
    • Inform your healthcare provider that you do not wish to be photographed for educational purposes or medical documentation, unless required by law.


    • Follow the treatment plan established by your physician, including instructions from nurses and other healthcare professionals as they carry out the physician’s orders.
    • Take responsibility for your actions and the consequences, should you refuse treatment, not follow physician’s orders or leave the hospital against the advice of your physician.
    • Inform your physician and healthcare provider if you wish to change your advance medical directive.


    • Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel.
    • Be respectful of hospital property.
    • Follow hospital policies and procedures:
       - Tobacco use of any type is strictly prohibited on all Freeman Health System properties; nicotine replacement options are offered for all admitted patients.
      - Mandatory check by hospital maintenance personnel of all personal electrical appliances (hair dryer, electric razor, etc.) before use in the hospital.

    Other Responsibilities

    Patients should ensure the fulfillment of financial obligations related to hospital care within a reasonable period of time and take personal responsibility for arrangement, payment and liability of any private duty care.

    Any time your family feels you may need emergent care while hospitalized, they may call the hospital’s FIRST Team (Freeman Immediate Response Stabilization Team) by dialing the operator. In addition, the hospital encourages patients and/or their family

    Questions or Concerns?

    If you have any questions regarding these rights, concerns about safety issues, concerns about a possible rights violation or a grievance you wish to file in regard to your care, please ask to speak with a nurse manager of the unit where you are a patient or contact Patient Relations at 417.347.4940. Grievances will be addressed by a Patient Relations member within seven (7) business days of receipt from the patient or nurse manager. You may also lodge a grievance directly by contacting the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Hospital Standards at PO Box 570, 920 Wildwood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 or 573.751.6303 or 800.392.0210. In Kansas, contact the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability at 503 S. Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS 66603 or 800.842.0078. In Oklahoma, contact the Oklahoma State Department of Health at 1000 NE 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117 or 800.747.8419.

    Nondiscrimination Policy

    Discrimination in provision of services is prohibited by law. The Missouri Department of Social Services and Freeman provide services on a nondiscriminatory basis. If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability, you may file a complaint directly with this facility, with the Department of Health and Human Services (800.368.1019) or with the Department of Social Services, Office of Civil Rights (PO Box 1527, Jefferson City, MO 65102; 800.776.8014). 


    Language assistance

    Please note: language interpretation services are provided free of charge for our patients at any Freeman location.
    Please contact an Admissions representative or nurse if you are in need of language assistance or call 417.347.1111 (TTY: 1.800.682.8786).
    View notice of assistance services (PDF).

    We want to make your stay as safe and worry-free as possible. In order to accomplish this we need your participation.

    Patient identification

    Each patient at Freeman receives an identification bracelet. It tells hospital staff who you are at a glance and helps track your hospital information during your stay.

    • Check your ID bracelet for correct information.
    • Wear your ID bracelet during your entire hospital stay.
    • Make sure hospital staff check your ID bracelet before performing any test or procedure.
    • Expect Freeman staff to use at least two identifiers (name, date of birth, etc.) to verify your identity at every interaction. This ensures we match the right patient with the right care.

    Fall prevention

    We want to help you move about safely and easily. Don't hesitate to call the staff for assistance.

    • Ask for help by using your call button. Request help anytime—especially at night when it is dark or when you are groggy or sleepy.
    • If the side rails on your bed are up, this is a reminder for you to stay in bed. Call for assistance if you want to get up.
    • Use your call button if your nurse has instructed you to call for assistance when getting out of or into bed, moving to or from your chair, or walking to and from the restroom.
    • Keep the bed in the low position so your feet touch the floor when you sit on the edge of the bed.
    • Rest on the side of the bed before standing.
    • Wear nonskid shoes or socks to prevent slipping.
    • If possible, please ask a family member to stay overnight with you at the hospital.

    Surgical safety

    Cleaning your skin before surgery can help decrease the risk of infection at the surgical site.

    • Showering every day for 1 week before your procedure with a standard soap or a special antimicrobial soap helps reduce micro-organisms on your skin.
    • On the night before your surgery, please sleep on freshly laundered sheets (after your shower) and wear freshly laundered clothing to bed.
    • Use chlorhexidine gluconate (CHG) prep cloths and follow the "Preparing the skin before surgery" handout if provided by your doctor.
    • Use an antiseptic mouth rinse to gargle each morning and evening 1 week before surgery. This helps reduce germs in your mouth and throat to help prevent pneumonia after surgery.
    • Freeman follows the strictest medical guidelines to ensure surgeries are performed on the proper area(s) of the body. As added safety precautions:
    • If you are a patient undergoing a surgery specific to the left or right side of the body, you will be asked to mark your body with a marker on the operation area.
    • As an additional means of confirmation, you will be asked to tell us about your operation and indicate the body area scheduled for surgery prior to your procedure.
    • Don't hesitate to ask questions regarding your surgery.

    Skin health

    You will have a healthier stay by lying in different positions. To prevent skin sores, reposition yourself in bed every two hours.

    Hand hygiene

    One of the ways our healthcare professionals provide a safe environment in which to heal is to clean their hands with soap and water or alcohol hand-wash product before and after caring for you.

    You can do your part by cleaning your hands with soap and water or an alcohol hand care product before and after you eat. Remember: clean your hands with soap and water, not alcohol, after using the restroom.

    Respiratory care

    You expel germs into the air whenever you sneeze or cough. Help prevent the spread of infection by following these steps:

    • Turn away from others before sneezing or coughing.
    • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when sneezing or coughing.
    • Discard the tissue in the trash.
    • If you do not have a tissue available, sneeze or cough into your upper sleeve, not into your hands.
    • Always clean your hands after sneezing or coughing.

    Important note

    • After surgery, harmful secretions can accumulate in your lungs. Deep breathing exercises can help prevent this accumulation and speed your recovery.
    • Your nurses will help remind you to turn, cough and breathe deeply as often as every hour.
    • You will also be asked to use a spirometer, a tool that helps avoid lung problems, every hour when awake.


    Our goal is to safely and effectively administer the medications that have been ordered for you. We adhere to quality standards and strict procedures to assure you receive the right medication, in the right amount, at the right time, and in the right manner. Patients and families can help by following a few simple guidelines.

    • Make sure your healthcare professional checks your ID bracelet before giving you any medication.
    • Inform the nursing staff about medications you normally take at home and ask whether you should continue such medications while in the hospital.
    • For your safety, do not take any medications you bring to the hospital unless instructed to do so by your nurse.
    • Know the medications you take while in the hospital and ask questions until you are completely satisfied that you are receiving the correct medication.
    • Stay informed about the times you should receive each of your medications. Alert the nursing staff if you feel these times are not accurately observed.
    • Double-check with the nursing staff to make sure they know all of your food and medication allergies.
    • Observe the appearance of your medications when you receive them. If something does not seem right—the color, shape, or the manner in which the medication is administered—ask your nurse to check it.

    Know the plan for administering medications and never hesitate to ask questions. Always keep a list of your medications with you. Be sure to note purposes, dosages, instructions and names of drugs.

    When you visit the hospital, having essential information on hand reduces stress and makes your visit more pleasant.

    Please Bring the Following

    • A list or chart of current medications you're taking. You may bring the bottles with you for reference.
    • Insurance, Medicare, and/or Medicaid card(s)
    • Photo ID such as driver's license, passport, employee photo ID badge, military ID, or government-issued identification
    • Military medical card
    • A copy of your advance medical directives
    • Employer information for workers' compensation claims
    • Guarantor (person responsible for the bill) information; this information may change due to divorce or custody issues
    • Automobile insurance card (in cases of automobile accident)
    • Test order from physician
    • Attending physician information
    • Pre-authorization and/or referrals
    • Financial means to cover any patient-responsible balances such as co-payment or deductibles. In addition to cash and personal checks, we accept most major credit cards, including MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
    • Freeman provides patient gowns, nonskid socks and personal hygiene items; however, many patients prefer to bring their own items from home. The list below may be helpful in preparing for your hospital stay.
    • Bathrobe
    • Comfortable, loose-fitting pajamas for each day
    • Comfortable, loose-fitting clothes to wear home
    • Undergarments, socks, and nonskid slippers or shoes
    • Eye glasses, contacts, or hearing aids
    • Personal toiletry items
    • Entertainment (books, magazines, etc.)
    • Photos or personal items

    We understand that patients need to bring items such as eyeglasses, dentures and hearing aids. Ask the nursing staff to label items such as clothing, canes, walkers, wheelchairs, hearing aids/cases, eyeglasses/cases and denture cups.

    What not to bring

    Freeman cannot be responsible for items not turned over to the hospital staff for safekeeping. For your protection, please do not bring the following:

    • Valuable jewelry, electronic equipment, etc.
    • Large amounts of cash
    • Credit cards (other than those needed for co-pays and deductibles)

    Protect Your Valuables

    Follow these tips to protect your belongings:

    • Do not put eyeglasses, dentures, or other valuables on meal trays, in your bed, or in pillowcases—they could be removed from your room by mistake if mixed in with in with dirty dishes or laundry.
    • Keep eyeglasses in their case when not in use (to avoid breakage or loss).
    • Use only designated containers for dentures and hearing aids.
    • Use the hospital safe to secure your valuables until you leave the hospital.

    During Your Stay

      For your convenience, an ATM is available at the main entrance of Freeman West and Freeman East near the information desk.

      • For your safety, doors are locked from 9:00 pm – 5:00 am
      • Freeman West: Main and Emergency entrances open at all times
      • Freeman East: Admitting entrance open at all times

      Have a friend or family member staying at Freeman West or Freeman Neosho? Visit our gift gallery to purchase flowers, balloons, chocolates, stuffed animals and more. Free delivery to patient rooms is available. Delivery hours are 8:00 am – 3:30 pm Monday – Friday. Weekend orders will not be delivered until the following Monday after 8:00 am. Please note: Due to infection control concerns, flowers and plants are not permitted in Intensive Care Unit.

      To order a gift and have it delivered to a patient room, please call 417.347.4651.

      Please note: Freeman is committed to protecting the privacy of our patients and the confidentiality of their medical information. Sometimes, patients don't want other people to know they are in the hospital, and they request that we keep their identities confidential. Because we cannot confirm or deny confidential patients' presence in our hospital, we cannot deliver flowers, gifts or cards to them. Thank you for understanding our efforts to comply with federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations.

      Browse our constantly changing selection of fun and thoughtful gifts including:

      • Fresh flowers and plants
      • Gourmet candies
      • Jewelry and accessories
      • Handbags
      • Books
      • New baby and sibling gifts
      • Collectibles
      • Home décor


      Store hours

      Freeman West Gift Gallery
      8:00 am – 5:00 pm Monday – Wednesday, Friday
      8:00 am – 8:00 pm Thursday
      10:00 am– 2:00 pm Saturday
      Closed Sunday

      Freeman volunteers staff the retail outlets. All proceeds from Freeman Gift Gallery sales support Freeman Auxiliary, which provides numerous services to our patients and community organizations. Click here to learn more about Freeman Auxiliary and volunteering at Freeman.

      Freeman understands the importance of a healthy diet. At each of our hospitals, we proudly offer a wide range of delicious meal selections hand-picked by our expert team of registered dietitians.

      In the cafeteria, you may choose from an array of meal options, including home-style entrées, hot sandwiches, salads made with locally-grown produce and grab-and-go cold foods and beverages. For those with a sweet-tooth, we offer fresh fruits and homemade desserts each day.

      We offer our inpatient guests a variety of menus that are designed to meet doctor-prescribed diets and nutritional needs. We make every effort to accommodate personal meal preferences.

      At each hospital, vending machines with sandwiches, snacks, soda, coffee and water are available 24 hours a day.

      Freeman West Cafeteria

      Freeman West kitchen and cafeteria serve approximately 1,100 people in our cafeteria and provide 600 meals to patients each day from recently expanded facilities. The servery – a food court-style space where guests select their meals – includes traditional home-style favorites, hand-stretched pizzas, grilled sandwiches, tossed to order salads, and made to order meals. Our new eco-friendly kitchen, stocked with Energy Star appliances and low-flow faucets, will transform food preparation while reducing energy consumption.

      Freeman West offers hotel-style room service, empowering patients to enjoy the meals at the time of their choosing. Each room service meal will be prepared to order and delivered piping hot to the patient’s bedside. Patients on special diets may have restricted menu selections. Meal service is available from 6:30 am to 7:00 pm. To order, dial 3663 (FOOD). Your meal will be delivered within 45 minutes.

      Freeman West cafeteria

      • Food court with home-style favorites, grill selections, pizza, salad, sandwiches and more
      • Hotel-style room service for patients
      • Open 7 days a week
      • 6:30 am – 7:30 pm

      The Daily Grind at Freeman West

      • Coffee, tea and blended beverages, as well as pastries, salads and sandwiches
      • Open 7 days a week
      • 6:00 am – 9:00 pm

      Freeman East cafeteria

      • Monday-Friday, closed holidays
      • Breakfast: 7:00 am – 10:00 am
      • Lunch: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm

      Freeman Neosho Flower Box Café

      • Monday-Friday, closed holidays
      • Breakfast, lunch, and dinner: 7:00 am – 7:00 pm


      A patient has the right:

      • To participate in the development and implementation of his/her plan of care;
      • Or for his/her representative/support person (as allowed under state law) to make informed decisions  rights include being informed of his/her health status, being involved in care planning and treatment, and being able to request or refuse treatment. This right must not be construed as a mechanism to demand the provision of treatment or services deemed medically unnecessary or inappropriate.
      • To formulate advance directives and have hospital staff and practitioners who provide care in the hospital comply with these directives.
      • To have a family member or representative of his/her choice and his/her own physician notified promptly of his/her admission to the hospital.
      • To be informed of visitation rights and to choose who may visit him/her during his/her inpatient stay, regardless of whether the visitor is a family member, a spouse, a domestic partner (including same-sex domestic partner), a friend or other type of visitor, as well as the right to withdraw such consent to visitation at any time, and the right for a support person to be identified who, for incapacitated persons, can make the visitation decisions given to patients.
      • To personal privacy.
      • To receive care in a safe setting.
      • To be free from all forms of abuse or harassment.
      • To the confidentiality of his/her clinical records.
      • To access information contained in his/her clinical records within a reasonable time frame. The hospital must not frustrate the legitimate efforts of individuals to gain access to their own medical records and must actively seek to meet these requests as quickly as its record keeping system permits.
      • To be free from restraints of any form that are not medically necessary or are used as a means of coercion, discipline, convenience or retaliation by staff.
      • To be fully informed of and to consent or refuse to participate in any unusual, experimental or research project without compromising his/her access to services.
      • To know the professional status of any person providing his/her care or services.
      • To know the reasons for any proposed change in the professional staff responsible for his/her care.
      • To know the reasons for his/her transfer either within or outside the hospital.
      • To know the relationship(s) of the hospital to other persons or organizations participating in the provision of his/her care.
      • To access to the cost, itemized when possible, of services rendered within a reasonable period of time.
      • To be informed of the source of the hospital’s reimbursement for his/her services, and of any limitations which may be placed upon his/her care.
      • To be informed of the right to have pain treated as effectively as possible.
      • To request or have a representative request a discharge planning evaluation.
      • To seek review by the Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) for quality of care issues, coverage decisions, and to appeal a premature discharge, please contact KEPRO at 855.408.8557.
      • To file a complaint or grievance.

      The patient’s family has the right to give informed consent for donation of organs and tissues if patient meets eligibility requirements and no First Person Consent is present.

      For security purposes, certain areas of this facility may be under video surveillance and may be temporarily recorded. Security camera placement has been made with sensitivity to a patient’s right to personal privacy.

      As a Patient, you Have the Responsibility:


      • Provide accurate and complete information concerning your current health status, complaints, past medical history and all other matters that may affect medical treatment.
      • Communicate to your physician or healthcare provider whether or not you understand the course of your medical treatment and what is expected of you.
      • Inform your healthcare provider that you do not wish to be photographed for educational purposes or medical documentation, unless required by law.


      • Follow the treatment plan established by your physician, including instructions from nurses and other healthcare professionals as they carry out the physician’s orders.
      • Take responsibility for your actions and the consequences, should you refuse treatment, not follow physician’s orders or leave the hospital against the advice of your physician.
      • Inform your physician and healthcare provider if you wish to change your advance medical directive.


      • Be considerate of the rights of other patients and hospital personnel.
      • Be respectful of hospital property.
      • Follow hospital policies and procedures:
         - Tobacco use of any type is strictly prohibited on all Freeman Health System properties; nicotine replacement options are offered for all admitted patients.
        - Mandatory check by hospital maintenance personnel of all personal electrical appliances (hair dryer, electric razor, etc.) before use in the hospital.

      Other Responsibilities

      Patients should ensure the fulfillment of financial obligations related to hospital care within a reasonable period of time and take personal responsibility for arrangement, payment and liability of any private duty care.

      Any time your family feels you may need emergent care while hospitalized, they may call the hospital’s FIRST Team (Freeman Immediate Response Stabilization Team) by dialing the operator. In addition, the hospital encourages patients and/or their family

      Questions or Concerns?

      If you have any questions regarding these rights, concerns about safety issues, concerns about a possible rights violation or a grievance you wish to file in regard to your care, please ask to speak with a nurse manager of the unit where you are a patient or contact Patient Relations at 417.347.4940. Grievances will be addressed by a Patient Relations member within seven (7) business days of receipt from the patient or nurse manager. You may also lodge a grievance directly by contacting the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, Bureau of Hospital Standards at PO Box 570, 920 Wildwood Drive, Jefferson City, MO 65102-0570 or 573.751.6303 or 800.392.0210. In Kansas, contact the Kansas Department of Aging and Disability at 503 S. Kansas Avenue, Topeka, KS 66603 or 800.842.0078. In Oklahoma, contact the Oklahoma State Department of Health at 1000 NE 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK 73117 or 800.747.8419.

      Nondiscrimination Policy

      Discrimination in provision of services is prohibited by law. The Missouri Department of Social Services and Freeman provide services on a nondiscriminatory basis. If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, sex, religion, national origin, age, or disability, you may file a complaint directly with this facility, with the Department of Health and Human Services (800.368.1019) or with the Department of Social Services, Office of Civil Rights (PO Box 1527, Jefferson City, MO 65102; 800.776.8014). 


      Language assistance

      Please note: language interpretation services are provided free of charge for our patients at any Freeman location.
      Please contact an Admissions representative or nurse if you are in need of language assistance or call 417.347.1111 (TTY: 1.800.682.8786).
      View notice of assistance services (PDF).

      • You may reach a patient room by dialing 347 + the room number
      • To place calls outside the hospital, dial 9 + the telephone number
      • Cell phones may be used in waiting areas, cafeterias and courtyards.
      • Please note: due to the possibility of electronic interference with medical equipment, the use of cell phones is prohibited in all other areas

      Providing Care and Comfort

      The mission of Freeman Pastoral Care is to offer spiritual care, comfort and support to patients and their loved ones.

      Our chaplains are available to pray with you and provide spiritual counsel. You may request a chaplain at any time by notifying your nurse or having the hospital operator page a chaplain for you.

      Bibles and other spiritual literature may be brought to your room upon request. To receive such materials, simply ask your nurse or one of the chaplains. Baptisms and communion can be arranged and performed by our staff, or we will be happy to contact your own clergy to help arrange for these sacraments or other services.

      Reach a Chaplain

      A chaplain is on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week to provide spiritual care and emotional support for you and your family. If we can assist in any way, please call us.

      Interfaith Chapel Locations

      Each of our hospitals provides a chapel for reflection, prayer and meditation. Patients, family and friends are welcome to use the chapels, which are open for prayer and reflection at all times. Your nurse or chaplain can direct you to the chapel in your facility.

      • Freeman West – central hospital second floor corridor
      • Freeman East – third floor
      • Freeman Neosho – second floor


      Please note that Freeman Health System is tobacco-free.

      • Tobacco use of any kind is strictly prohibited on all Freeman properties.
      • This policy applies to all employees, patients and visitors, and includes parking lots.
      • There are no designated smoking areas at Freeman facilities.

      We offer nicotine replacement options to all admitted patients. Smoking cessation programs are offered through Ozark Center, 417.347.7600.

      Overnight Visitors

      If you plan to stay in the hospital overnight to care for or be close to a loved one, please register at the nurses' station on your floor. Your cooperation helps us ensure the safety of patients, visitors and staff. General visiting hours are 7:00 am - 8:30 pm, but specialized units cary different hours and those are listed below. 

      Intensive Care

      • 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
      • Limited to 2 visitors per patient at a time
      • Children under 12 not allowed

      Maternity Center

      Birthing Center

      • Limit of two visitors at a time while in Labor and Delivery. Visitors may switch out at any time.
      • No children under 18 allowed in Labor and Delivery.


      • Postpartum visiting hours: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm
      • Limit of four visitors at a time. Visitors may switch out at any time.
      • Spouse or designated loved one may visit anytime and stay overnight
      • Siblings may visit during visiting hours

      Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

      • Two banded visitors may visit at any time
      • One guest may visit at a time when accompanied by a banded parent/guardian
      • All visitors will be required to perform a two-minute scrub prior to entering the NICU

      Going Home

        Comfort, convenience and care

        The Admitting and Discharge Lounge at Freeman West provides a private, relaxing environment for patients entering or leaving the hospital. While not everyone will be admitted or discharged through the lounge, it offers an extra measure of comfort, convenience and care to guests waiting for a room or ride home.

        Waiting is never easy, but the Admitting and Discharge Lounge helps make that time as pleasant as possible. Two-story windows surround the lounge so guests may enjoy natural sunlight and a view while receiving quality care.


        • Recliners
        • Televisions
        • Meals
        • Beverages
        • Reading materials
        • Blankets and pillows
        • Seats for family members


        • Personal lockers for patients’ belongings
        • QuickMeds Pharmacy pick-up window
        • Easy vehicle access


        • Two registered nurses
        • Nurse technician
        • Wheelchair escorts to room or vehicle
        • Assessment room
        • Private area with bed for patients needing to lie down
        • Oxygen available
        • Coordination of follow-up appointments

        Freeman Health Essentials provides the home medical equipment and services you need to help you remain independent and in your own home longer. Freeman Health Essentials recently achieved the Award of Accreditation from the Healthcare Quality Association on Accreditation (HQAA). This award is achieved only when a medical equipment provider demonstrates a high level of quality in all business operations and services. Click here to learn more about Freeman Health Essentials.

        QuickMeds Pharmacy™, your fast pharmacy solution, offers high-quality, expert pharmaceutical care. We have two QuickMeds Pharmacy locations: Freeman Hospital West and Freeman Neosho Medical Building. For your convenience, both locations coordinate billing and prescription drug claims on your behalf.

        While keeping track of your health records may not be a direct part of your treatment plan, it is an important step to managing your healthcare. Often, patients can access records online through their healthcare provider, employer or insurance provider. When that option is not available, know that you have a right to see and get a copy of your records. You can also sign a release if you want someone, such as a spouse or family member, to view your records. Parents of minors have the right to access their children’s records.

        Along with hospital and physician records, it’s a good idea to keep your own records. This information will give a new doctor a good picture of your overall health history. Your personal health record should include: 

        • Primary care doctor’s name and phone number
        • Health insurance information 
        • Allergies, including drug allergies 
        • Medications, including dosages 
        • Chronic health problems, such as diabetes 
        • Major surgeries, with dates 
        • Hereditary conditions in your family history 
        • Immunization history 
        • Results of screening tests, such as cholesterol level, blood pressure, and A1C 
        • Exercise and dietary habits 
        • Living will or advance directives 
        • Organ donor authorization, if you have one


        Need a copy of an x-ray or medical report?

        It's easy to request a medical record from a patient visit at any of our hospitals, Freeman Urgent Care, Freeman Heart & Vascular Institute, Freeman Hearing Center or other Freeman facility. Just follow these two steps:

        1. Print and complete the Authorization for Release of Information form.
        2. Fax or mail the completed form to us:

            Mailing address
            Freeman Health System
            Attn: Medical Records
            1102 West 32nd Street
            Joplin, Missouri 64804

        If you have questions about a medical record, contact the Release of Information Department at or 417.347.6685. Please do not email medical record requests.


        HIPAA Revocation Form

        Click here to access the HIPAA revocation form.

        We care what you think!

        Patient feedback is vital to our mission of improving the health of the communities we serve through contemporary, innovative, quality healthcare solutions.

        In a time where you, the patient, exercise more involvement with your medical care, it is essential for us to know if you are really satisfied with the quality of service provided by Freeman. Qualtrics provides qualitative and quantitative feedback on the quality of care we provide to help us improve patient satisfaction.

        We would like to know if you are thrilled with our services—and if you’re not, where and how we can improve. But we need your help!

        What to expect

        Freeman will randomly select patients from various areas within the health system to contact for feedback.

        After your hospital visit you may be contacted by Qualtrics. The feedback you provide will help us improve service.

        We protect your privacy

        Rest assured your privacy is of utmost importance to us, and your feedback will remain confidential.

        If you have questions about this survey or the care you received at Freeman, please contact Freeman Patient Relations at 417.347.4940.

        Billing and Insurance

        For help with your bill before or during your visit, contact a financial counselor, 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday at 417.347.4136. Click here for more information on billing, insurance and financial assistance. If you need assistance with MyFreemanHealth, please call 417.347.4500. If you notice incorrect information in your electronic medical record, please call 417.347.3913.

        Online Bill Pay

        Financial Assistance Quick Facts (English)

        Financial Assistance Quick Facts (Spanish)


        Request a Medical Record

        It's easy to request a medical record from a patient visit at any of our hospitals, Freeman Urgent Care, Freeman Heart & Vascular Institute, Freeman Hearing Center or other Freeman facility. Just follow these two steps:

        1. Print and complete the Authorization for Release of Information form.
        2. Fax or mail the completed form to us:

            Mailing address
            Freeman Health System
            Attn: Medical Records
            1102 West 32nd Street
            Joplin, Missouri 64804

        If you have questions about a medical record, contact the Release of Information Department at or 417.347.6685. Please do not email medical record requests. Scroll down the page to learn more about requesting a medical record.



        MyFreemanHealth gives you the freedom to manage your family's healthcare online.

        • Access your doctor's office electronic medical record
        • Interact with your doctor’s office from the comfort of your home
        • Request test results
        • Request doctor's office appointments
        • View a summary of your medical chart from your physician's office
        • Update your personal information

        Click here to learn more about MyFreemanHealth.


        Language Interpretation Services

        Please note: language interpretation services are provided free of charge for our patients at any Freeman location. 
        Please call 417.347.1111 (TTY: 1.800.735.2966). 
        View notice of assistance services (PDF).

        Notice of Non-Discrimination

        Discrimination in provision of services is prohibited by law. The Missouri Department of Social Services and Freeman Health System provide services on a nondiscriminatory basis. If you believe that you have been discriminated against because of your race, color, national origin, sex (including sexual orientation and gender identity) origin, age, or disability, you may file a complaint directly with this facility, with the Department of Health and Human Services (800.368.1019) or with the Department of Social Services, Office of Civil Rights (PO Box 1527, Jefferson City, MO 65102; 800.776.8014). 


          Overnight Visitors

          If you plan to stay in the hospital overnight to care for or be close to a loved one, please register at the nurses' station on your floor. Your cooperation helps us ensure the safety of patients, visitors and staff.

          Intensive Care

          • 8:00 am - 6:00 pm
          • Limited to 2 visitors per patient at a time
          • Children under 12 not allowed

          Maternity Center

          Birthing Center

          • Limit of two visitors at a time while in Labor and Delivery. Visitors may switch out at any time.
          • No children under 18 allowed in Labor and Delivery.


          • Postpartum visiting hours: 7:00 am - 7:00 pm
          • Limit of 4 visitors at a time. Visitors may switch out at any time.
          • Spouse or designated loved one may visit anytime and stay overnight

          Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

          • Parents may visit at any time
          • Grandparents may visit when accompanied by a parent
          • All visitors will be required to perform a three-minute scrub prior to entering the NICU
          • You may reach a patient room by dialing 347 + the room number
          • Cell phones may be used in waiting areas, cafeterias, and courtyard areas; due to the possibility of electronic interference with medical equipment, cell phone use is prohibited in all other areas

          To send a card or letter to a patient, address the card or letter to:

          Freeman Health System
          (Patient's Name)
          1102 West 32nd Street
          Joplin, MO 64804    

          Freeman Neosho Hospital
          (Patient's Name)
          113 West Hickory Street
          Neosho, MO 64834

          • Freeman West: Main and Emergency Room entrances remain open 24 hours. The Heart & Vascular Institute entrance is locked from 8:00 pm – 5:00 am although visitors may exit through it at any time.
          • Freeman East: Doors are monitored from 9:00 pm – 5:00 am. The Admitting entrance located at the west end of Freeman East remains open 24 hours.
          • Freeman Neosho: emergency Room entrance located at the west side of Freeman Neosho remains open 24 hours. The Main entrance is open from 6:30 am to 9:00 pm.
          • Freeman West: first floor family waiting areas, lobby, emergency Room, Heart & Vascular Institute, third floor lounge, fourth floor lounge, fifth floor lounge
          • Freeman East: Admissions, Radiology
          • Neosho: first floor Emergency Room, second floor ICU/Surgery area