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halloween safety

Oct 18, 2024

Be Scary Safe on Halloween

Keep the kiddos safe this Halloween

A person is more likely to be struck by a car on Halloween than any other night of the year. It makes sense – it’s dark outside and kids are excited to trick or treat; they’ve waited all year for this night to arrive and to dress up as their favorite characters!

There are safety measures we can take, however, to keep our kids safe on the spookiest night of the year. When trick-or-treating, an adult should always accompany kids when moving from house to house. Stay in neighborhoods that you know. Cross the street at appropriate crossings, and make sure children are crossing with an adult. If available, it is statistically safer to attend community activities for Halloween such as popular trunk-or-treats events, which are often held in public parks or parking lots.

When moving from house to house, children should wear clothing that reflects light, and shoes and all accessories should fit well. Older children should travel with a buddy or in a group. Children should never enter a home without a parent accompanying them. Families and children should carry flashlights and glow sticks to make them more visible to drivers. Parents should also make sure they themselves wear light reflective clothing.

Many of us who grew up in the 70s and 80s have memories of the plastic masks held on by a small elastic band. No one could see, and they fogged up quickly. Thankfully, we have come a long way with costumes! When it comes to masks, make sure your child can easily see what’s in front of them. If using make-up instead of a mask, make sure it’s non-toxic; some kids with sensitive skin or eczema may have reactions. Additional ideas that won’t limit your child’s vision but bring creativity to a costume are wigs and hats. 

Remember, there’s safety in numbers when it comes to groups. If you can do your spooky activities when the sun is still up that’s the best time to head outdoors. Parents and guardians should stay with younger children at all times; even older teenagers should stay within a group.

When it comes to the coveted candy haul, have your kids wait until they are home to begin sorting out their candy. Have them wash their hands well – remember, your kids have been reaching into those candy bowls all night. You also want to think about the age of the child and potential choking hazards. Tampering with candy is rare but it can still happen. To be on the safe side, throw away any candy that looks like it has been unwrapped or altered in any way. Also, don’t let your kids go overboard on the spoils. Everyone enjoys a sweet treat but too much of a good thing can bring about a stomachache or even a toothache. Think about rationing out the treats so the kids can enjoy the treats over time.

Finally, if your child has any food allergies, remove those candies immediately. There is the Teal Pumpkin Project which is about making Halloween more inclusive for kids suffering from food allergies. A teal pumpkin or sticker in front of a home indicates non-food treats are being handed out that are safe for all trick-or-treaters. If you’re getting candy from homes that do not have a teal pumpkin, please go through the candy before your child enjoys the treats. Make sure there is nothing in there that will make them react.

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Woman with breast cancer

Oct 07, 2024

Returning To Work After Breast Cancer – Creating A New Normal

Treatments are over and now it's time to return to work

The breast cancer treatments are over and now it’s time to return to work. Life after breast cancer means returning to some familiar things and also making some new choices. After a marathon of breast cancer diagnosis and treatment that may last six months to a year, women are eager to get back to a normal life again, and that often includes getting back to work. Transitioning from breast cancer treatment patient to breast cancer survivor is embracing the “new woman” and entering into the “new normal.”

Returning to work post-treatment can be an emotional experience for many women who often feel conflicted between wanting to go on with life and being able to cope with the daily pressures. On one hand, women look forward to returning to a work routine and on the other hand, they dread it. Adding to the awkwardness are the after-effects of treatment such as fatigue resulting from chemotherapy and/or the accumulated effects of other treatments as well as a phenomenon some people call “chemobrain” – mental changes such as memory deficits and the inability to focus.

Adding to the frustrating mix, co-workers tell survivors how they look and ask questions about treatment. How open women are with their co-workers about their breast cancer and health after treatment is a personal decision. Some co-workers will be understanding and offer help while others may be uncomfortable discussing it or resent that they had to take on extra duties on days when the person was absent. Others may ask intrusive questions about the breast cancer, the person’s health, why they’ve been gone or even avoid them. Based on the relationship with co-workers, women can decide if they want to share anything, what works best for them and their situation, think ahead about how they will handle other people’s reactions and have a plan for what and how much they want to share.

It’s important for women to make sure they’re medically cleared by their health care provider before returning to work. They can also talk with their employer about possible options, like flex-time, job sharing, working from home or other options that may help ease them back into the demands of a job. For some people, the transition to working full-time may be easy, and for others it may take some adjustment.

The benefits of going back to work include helping ladies keep their sense of who they are and how they fit in. It might even boost their self-esteem, not to mention their income. Returning to their job also reminds women that they have a life apart from breast cancer – they are a valued employee, a great boss or a trusted co-worker.

Sometimes breast cancer can make women feel isolated and lonely, and being around people can be a great comfort. Support groups, online chat forums and social media groups offer the chance to air challenges with others that have had breast cancer. This, too, helps with the healing process to speak openly and honestly about the post-surgery struggles.

The good news is, with time, little by little, most women start to feel like their regular selves once medications are completed and the exhaustion subsides. It takes time for the “new you” to settle in. Truly, time heals many wounds and having a job can divert attention away from the stressors of the breast cancer journey and allow women to refocus on other things in life and create their own “new normal.”

About the Author
Lesa Deardorff has worked at Freeman Health System for 37 years and served as director of radiology services for 21 years. She oversees the Freeman Radiology Department, which offers advanced technology and top-of-the-line ultrasound, x-ray, nuclear medicine, CT, PET/CT and mammography services. To learn more, visit or call 417.347.6611.

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Family at Thanksgiving

Sep 30, 2024

Mindfulness Intention and Attention

The magic of the holiday season is not all in the food. What draws us in are the tender memories and cherished traditions.

Can I let you in on an industry secret? Pumpkin pie is available any time of year. You can make your grandmother’s 24-hour salad in April. The splendor of sweet potato casserole can be appreciated as soon as the farmer finishes his harvest. And (hold onto your hats for this one) the savory notes of the family’s secret recipe for stuffing can be relished in July alongside hamburgers and fireworks. The magic of the holiday season is not in the food and need not be limited to a decadent meal. What draws us in are the tender memories and cherished traditions. The answer then lies in mindfulness, which can open us to a new manner of living – one that allows us to appreciate each moment of this season and cherish every day of the year as sacred. 

“Mindfulness” has reached buzzword status and can seem a practice of mystical proportions. In reality, mindfulness is simply living with intention and attention. It is living your life on purpose and becoming aware of every moment as it happens. Mindfulness allows you to turn your mind from your infinite to-do list and notice each bite you put in your mouth through each meal – without judgment. Mindful eating is often the first step on the journey toward mindfulness, providing an everyday practice with which to put these skills into fruition. If we allow it, mindfulness can also be a step away from a war over food and one toward being more present with those around you. It begins with each of your five senses, noticing and honoring each of the signals your body provides, from grumbling stomach to the nuances of fullness. It continues with self-compassion and trusting your intuitive wisdom, then meeting your needs with the resources available to you. Give yourself permission to be authentic, to strive for non-judgmental awareness of your experiences and to know you are truly doing the best you can.

Mindfulness allows you to be present with your eating and invites you to be more present with others. Become aware of the texture and flavor of your food and savor every moment. Find contentment with each meal, thus, taking steps toward seeing yourself as a whole person with flaws, light and purpose. Release the rules of dieting we are endlessly faced with, the common criticisms of flawed yet human family members and the need to do everything “right.” Begin with mindful eating and let go of worries about food and New Year’s resolutions to lose 50 pounds by Valentine’s Day, and embrace the peace and joy of the here and now. You deserve it.

Dr. Jenny Copeland, Clinical Psychologist, practices at Ozark Center in Joplin, MO. Dr. Copeland leads the Reconnect Eating Disorders treatment program, the first eating disorder program to develop in a community health center in the nation. Visit to learn more about Ozark Center services.

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Sep 27, 2024

‘Challenging’ Penicillin Allergies

Allergy challenges are real in everyone's life

If I polled a room today and asked how many individuals were allergic to penicillin or one of its siblings – such as amoxicillin – up to a quarter of those people would raise their hands. You may even be one of them. But have you ever wondered if that was true?

September 28 is National Penicillin Allergy Day, which celebrates the day Alexander Flemming discovered penicillin in 1928. The discovery of penicillin was so significant that it merited a Nobel Prize in 1945, and it’s no exaggeration that penicillin has save millions of lives.

More people report an allergy to penicillin than any other drug – up to 25 percent of the population. However, up to one-third of those individuals are unable to pinpoint their specific reactions, which isn’t surprising, considering as many as 75 percent of those reported reactions happened before they were 3 years old.

Many reported reactions – such as headache, diarrhea or even a family member with penicillin allergy – aren’t even the result of true penicillin allergies. Rash is the most commonly reported reaction, but it can be difficult to differentiate between rashes caused by an allergy or those caused by viruses, which are extremely common in young children.

So what’s the big deal? The solution seems simple: Avoid penicillin and we’ll be fine, right? Not exactly. The antibiotics used in place of penicillin are often less effective than penicillin antibiotics and carry a higher chance of infections such as Clostridium difficile, a serious diarrheal illness that can require hospitalization.

On top of that, the allergy is associated with longer hospital stays as well as drug-resistant bacterial infections such as methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin resistant Enterococcus (VRE), which can be difficult to treat.

What allergy  ‘challenges’ reveal

Up to this point in the article, you may have noticed that I use the term “reported allergy” instead of “allergy.” I do this because less than 5 percent of people who report penicillin allergies would truly be allergic if tested.

The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology and the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology recommend actively challenging reported penicillin allergies.

These testing “challenges” can range from simply discussing reported reactions to skin pricks– in which a qualified physician injects a small amount of penicillin or one of its derivatives in the top layer of skin and looks for a reaction. Another challenge involves administering a dose of a penicillin to gauge a true reaction. All this testing can be performed safely, in an office setting safely. Less than 4 percent of individuals challenged have had reactions – usually mild ones such as a rash – with no reports of serious reactions, such as anaphylaxis.

Those who experience true reactions to penicillin can benefit from challenging. After five years, up to 50 percent will no longer be allergic to penicillin on testing, and this number increases to 80 percent after 10 years.

Challenging a reported penicillin allergy is well worth it, with some patients reporting savings of nearly $2,000 per person, per year, in healthcare costs.

Ask your physician or healthcare provider about your penicillin allergy and see if you would benefit from a direct challenge or referral to a board certified allergist. Freeman Health System is proud to be the region’s only hospital offering penicillin challenges for low-risk hospitalized patients.


Castells M, Khan DA, Phillips EJ. Penicillin allergy. N Engl J Med. 2019;381(24):2338-2351.
National Penicillin Allergy Day. NPAD. Published June 28, 2017. Accessed September 25, 2024.

Stone CA Jr, Trubiano J, Coleman DT, Rukasin CRF, Phillips EJ. The challenge of de-labeling penicillin allergy. Allergy. 2020;75(2):273-288.

Macy E, Contreras R. Health care use and serious infection prevalence associated with penicillin “allergy” in hospitalized patients: A cohort study. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2014;133(3):790-796.

Khan DA, Banerji A, Blumenthal KG, et al. Drug allergy: A 2022 practice parameter update. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2022;150(6):1333-1393.

Cooper L, Harbour J, Sneddon J, Seaton RA. Safety and efficacy of de-labelling penicillin allergy in adults using direct oral challenge: a systematic review. JAC Antimicrob Resist. 2021;3(1):dlaa123.

Sullivan TJ, Wedner HJ, Shatz GS, Yecies LD, Parker CW. Skin testing to detect penicillin allergy. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1981;68(3):171-180.

Blanca M, Torres MJ, García JJ, et al. Natural evolution of skin test sensitivity in patients allergic to beta-lactam antibiotics. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 1999;103(5 Pt 1):918-924.


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Sep 23, 2024

Want to get in the game?

It's time to get a sports physical exam.

Getting a pre-participation sports physical exam is not just a good idea for student athletes – it’s a requirement. The Missouri High School Activities Association mandates that student athletes get an annual sports physical to compete in junior high or high school sports. Other neighboring states have that same requirement. Pre-participation sports exams are performed either by a student’s personal physician or by another professional medical provider. Exams can be completed at a medical office, designated sports clinic or an athlete’s school.

Medical providers check for several conditions:

•    Conditions that require treatment or a plan prior to sports participation
•    Orthopaedic conditions that need physical therapy or other treatment
•    Asthma, hypertension, anemia, etc.
•    Potentially life-threatening conditions that could occur during any sport
•    History of concussions to determine if student is still experiencing post-concussion symptoms

Parents need to provide the medical staff with the athlete’s medical history, as well as the family’s medical history before the physical exam takes place. After the medical provider has reviewed the student’s and family’s medical history, the physical exam will follow. Based on the family medical history, a student commenting on shortness of breath or heart palpitations during the exam will be referred to a specialist for further testing to pick up on potential heart diseases. Any prescriptions or over-the-counter medications the student is currently taking should be reported during the exam.

The physical exam usually includes:

•    Weight and height measurements
•    Blood pressure screening
•    Heart and lung checks
•    Ear, nose and throat examinations
•    Basic hearing and vision tests
•    Joint movement and muscle strength
•    Spinal alignment and posture

Sports physicals should be completed at least six to eight weeks before the student’s sports season begins. This allows time for additional testing and evaluation, if necessary. Parents have the right to choose which type of sports physical is right for their child. If an athlete has a medical condition or history of injury, the parent may choose the route of a more thorough physical exam through the family’s personal physician.

Although a sports physical exam may identify health problems not associated with physical activity, it should not be used to replace medical care or annual routine checkups with primary care physicians. Students are still encouraged to visit their primary care physician for regular checkups and for any conditions that need further medical treatment.

Pre-participation physical exams can help determine if a particular sport is safe for an individual student. Most students are cleared for sports participation through sports physical exams. Students requiring follow-up with a specialist often resume normal activities after ensuring they are able to safely participate in sports.

School sports play an important role in helping student athletes develop skills and learn values that can be used throughout their entire lives. Providing a sports physical exam is the first step to a season filled with learning, spirit and teamwork.

Robert Lieurance, MD, completed his medical education at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. He is board certified in orthopaedic surgery and fellowship-trained in sports medicine. Dr. Lieurance serves as the official orthopaedic team physician for Missouri Southern State University and Joplin High School.

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Counseling - hands

Sep 13, 2024

Suicide Awareness Month Is In September

Help is Here

Life can have its dark moments. For some, these moments can lead to a crisis, at which time an individual reaches her or his breaking point and suicide may seem like the only escape from the emotional pain.

Each year, we lose nearly 50,000 Americans to suicide, or approximately 137 lives a day. Here in Missouri, those numbers are indisputably headed in the wrong direction: We lost 1,219 individuals to suicide in 2022, the 17th-highest mark in the United States.  

That said, suicide is among our most serious public health crises and a leading cause of death in America. The collateral damage is sweeping, with social, emotional and economic consequences. 
However, it’s also the most preventable type of death.

September is National Suicide Prevention Month, and anyone can take action to help prevent suicide. Regardless of how significant our actions may seem, we can provide hope to those who are in crisis and might be contemplating suicide – provided we’re willing to listen and talk openly about those dark moments.

Conversations about emotional well-being can be difficult. However, for a person in despair, simply articulating that fear or sadness to a supportive listener can help him or her share that burden, feel relief and re-grasp hope. So if you notice someone struggling, tell them they’re noticed, because your acknowledgment could save a life. 

On an individual level, there are simple ways we can identify and manage common life stressors in ourselves. The Centers for Disease Control recommends these practices for handling discontent and despair:

-    “Breaks” from watching or reading the news
-    Healthy eating
-    Getting plenty of quality sleep
-    Regular exercise
-    Taking time to unwind
-    Talking to others
-    Connecting with community- or faith-based organizations
-    Avoiding drugs and alcohol

If your situation isn’t improving, or you’re trying to help someone else through a rough patch, local resources are ready. 

The 988 crisis line Ozark Center – one of 200 nationwide 988 call centers, takes calls 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Regardless if the situation seems life-threatening, any individual in crisis or a concerned other can dial 988 to reach a trained crisis specialist for support. This support includes brief supportive counseling, referrals and education, and there is no charge for seeking help from a 988 professional or at the local crisis center.

People do care, and we can help. 

Debbie Fitzgerald is Director of Crisis Services for Ozark Center, which has been active in suicide prevention for more than 20 years. For more information, call 417.347.7720 or visit

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Badawi Blog - Protect Skin in Summer

Jul 02, 2024

Protect Your Skin This Summer

Help Fight the Sun

Everyone is excited summer is around the corner, and with the longer days, people are ready to enjoy the outdoors and the sunshine. However, it’s also important to remember too much exposure to the hot summer sun can be harmful to your skin. The more time you spend in the sun this summer, the more you need to be mindful of the damage it can do.

Skin cancer is the most common cancer, in the US and worldwide, but it’s also one of the most preventable. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, 1 in 5 Americans develop skin cancer by the age of 70. Having five or more sunburns doubles your risk for melanoma, and 90% of skin aging is caused by the sun. The good news is when detected and treated early, the five-year survival rate for melanoma is 99%! 

It’s no secret the sun can harm your skin with ultraviolet (UV) rays and prolonged exposure. While UV rays are present all year long, they’re stronger in the summertime. Because UV exposure can lead to premature aging and an increased risk for skin cancer, it’s important to take precautions to protect your skin throughout the summer. To keep your skin healthy, vibrant and youthful, here are some dermatologist-recommended tips for summer skin care. 

•    Use sunscreen regularly. Apply sunscreen generously to all exposed skin, including your face, neck, chest, hands and any area not covered by clothing. Reapply every two hours, or more often if you’re swimming or sweating. Choose a broad-spectrum, water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher to protect against both UVA and UVB rays. Keep in mind, no sunscreen can completely block out all UV rays, so you should always combine sunscreen use with other protective measures.

•    Wear protective clothing. Lightweight and long-sleeved shirts, pants and long skirts made of tight-woven fabric in dark or bright colors provide the most protection. For more effective protection, select sun-protective coated clothing with an ultraviolet protection factor (UPF) number on the label.

•    Put on a hat and a pair of sunglasses. Wearing a wide-brimmed hat helps protect your face, scalp, ears and neck from sun damage. To shield your eyes from the sun’s harmful rays, look for UV-blocking sunglasses that are large-framed and wraparound.

•    Enjoy the shade. Seek shade and avoid being outdoors in direct sunlight for too long. This is especially important between the hours of 10:00 am and 4:00 pm, when the sun’s rays are the most intense.

Our skin will change throughout the year and should be cared for with consideration of the season. Since your skin needs a little extra attention and care during the summer months, take the time to use a summer-friendly skin care routine to ensure you and your skin have a happy and healthy summer. Enjoy every minute of daylight this summer, knowing your skin is protected!

Ahmed Badawi, MD, PhD, at the Freeman Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center specializes in dermatology identifying and treating conditions of the skin, hair and nails including acne, eczema, nail fungus, psoriasis, rosacea and skin cancer, among many others. He earned his medical degree from the University of Kansas School of Medicine, Kansas City, Kansas, and performed his residency at Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri.

The Freeman Dermatology and Skin Cancer Center specializes in high-quality dermatological care and offers information on the latest treatment and skincare options to help patients live longer lives with healthier skin. Call the office at 417.347.8066 for an appointment or visit


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Jul 02, 2024

Robotic Knee Surgery Done Right

CORI Surgical System® Offers Better Range of Motion, Less Pain

Three Freeman orthopaedic surgeons – Dr. Derek Miller, Dr. Robert Lieurance and Dr. Thomas Sanders – are the first and only physicians in Southwest Missouri to utilize the CORI Surgical System®, a robotic-assisted computerized tool that has proven revolutionary when it comes to partial and total knee replacement surgeries.

Thanks to detailed computer scans and a nimble handheld tool, the system adds an extra layer of pre-surgical planning to surgeries along with improved cutting precision that was almost unheard of 20 years ago.

It all comes down to precision. The robot allows the trio to prepare bone down to an unheard-of tenth of a millimeter, which is an accuracy never seen before; making CORI a true paradigm shift when it comes to knee surgeries.

Prior to surgery, the CORI system eliminates the need for timely and expensive CT scans, x-rays or MRI – deleting exposure to radiation or an additional expense rarely covered by insurance. The system allows Dr. Lieurance, Dr. Sanders and Dr. Miller to map a knee’s anatomy in live time, meaning a more accurate and custom fit for a total knee replacement.

CORI’s other primary benefit is the robotic assistance it offers Freeman surgeons during the actual surgeries. The surgeon is in complete control of the robot at all times, holding a robotic hand piece that replaces the traditional bone saw. CORI tells the surgeon where to manually cut and remove bone, milling down into the bone to a pre-determined setting.

When it comes to partial replacement surgeries, the supporting tissue and ligaments that help stabilize the knee are spared; only the damaged portion of the knee is replaced with a custom-made prosthetic implant. With full knee replacement surgery, the entire knee is replaced with a prosthetic designed to replicate the shape, motion and stability of the replaced knee joint without significant soft-tissue complications.

As a result, all three Freeman surgeons are seeing higher patient satisfaction, better range of motion sooner and the ability to go home more quickly and fewer patients requiring narcotics after surgery. 
To learn more about knee surgeries and the CORI surgical system®, visit To schedule an appointment today with any one of our surgeons, call 417.347.5400. 

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med bottles

Jul 02, 2024

Keep Track of Your Medications

Preparation Is Key

We hear it all the time:

•    “I have too many medications and don’t want to carry all of them with me.”
•    “I would need a suitcase to carry them all to the doctor’s office.”
•    “I’ve taken all my meds to another doctor who requested them and they were never looked at.”
•    “You can call my pharmacy or my doctor to get the list; I don’t have time to do all that.”

But there’s a very important reason why we encourage all Freeman patients to bring all their medications, vitamins and supplements – in their original bottles – to all doctor visits. While prescription medications can boost health and even save lives, dangerous interactions can occur when a patient has the wrong mix or doesn’t know off the top of their heads what they regularly take on a daily basis.

Drug interactions can be dangerous, particularly when prepping someone for surgery. Heart, carotid and lung surgeries are just a few procedures that can be affected by drug interactions.

If your healthcare professional isn’t aware of every medication a patient takes, from a supplement to a prescription drug, or if a patient shows up with a medication bottle and it hasn’t been presented, there’s the potential that a heart, carotid or lung surgery could be affected by drug interactions and would need to be canceled or postponed.

The dangers are real – some medications, and even vitamins and supplements, can negatively interact with pain medications, anesthesia or prescribed medications, especially if it has a sedative action. Another interaction could take place post-operation, when some medications and supplements may deplete a patient’s body of certain vitamins, in turn increasing risks of infection. Vitamin K can thicken the blood. Ibuprofen/Naproxen may deplete vitamin C levels. It’s for these reasons, and so many more, that accurate medicine lists – with the exact dosage listed on the bottles – is so important. Depending on the amount, we may need to hold different supplements and different vitamins or medications for different lengths of time for patient safety.

Most if not all hospitals use an electronic health record system, which is essentially an electronic version of a patient’s medical history that is continuously updated. What people don’t understand is that just because many utilize electronic medical records, different hospitals and medical groups use different systems. I personally confer daily with electronic medical records from multiple health systems in our area. Many of these systems don’t “talk” to one another, so when a new patient from another hospital comes to Freeman, we still have to send and receive information and everything has to be recorded into their new Freeman chart by hand. As much as we would love for it to happen, information doesn’t simply flow from one electronic chart to a new one in an organized manner. That’s why an up-to-date medication list and medication bottles are so important.

I encourage every patient to be proactive when it comes to their own care and to make sure every single one of their providers knows what medications they are taking. This is such an easy way to decrease possible medication and treatment errors.

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men's health

Jun 19, 2024

How Men Stay Healthy at Any Age

June is Men’s Health Month

June is Men’s Health Month, a time to offer men awareness of preventable health problems and encourage early detection and treatment for men of all ages. The tendency of some men is to “tough it out” – putting off doctor visits, ignoring symptoms or signs of illness and neglecting their health. "

This kind of procrastination, however, can prove fatal in some situations. Regular checkups, screenings and vaccinations are crucial for men to stay healthy and active, even if they’re feeling good and are symptom-free. Preventative care helps men and their doctors to remain proactive and increase their chances of avoiding health issues, and to effectively treat medical situations before they worsen and become more serious.

As men age, their bodies become more prone to certain diseases and conditions. Cardiovascular disease, for example, is the leading cause of death in men. Men are also more prone to developing symptoms of low testosterone and prostate cancer. Regular wellness checkups will help identify any deficiencies that may be causing other health-related issues, such as erectile dysfunction or high blood pressure. A Freeman primary care doctor can help men develop a personal wellness program to fit their lifestyle and address each aspect of their life – ranging from nutritional guidance and exercise to weight management. 

It's important that men of all ages regularly visit their doctors to screen for the following conditions.

All Ages:
•    Annual wellness exam. A yearly physical with your general practitioner is important for preventive care. Visits may include vaccinations, disease screenings, referrals for blood work, a height and weight evaluation, and potential additional tests for any chronic conditions.
•    Testicular cancer screening: While self-exams should be conducted monthly, the American Cancer Society recommends testicular cancer screenings also be performed at annual wellness visits.
•    Skin cancer screening: Yearly visits to a dermatologist for skin checks are crucial for preventing skin cancer. 
•    Dental exam: A thorough dental exam and cleaning is recommended at least every 6 to 12 months for optimal tooth and gum health.

Age 20 to 39:
•    Blood pressure: Beginning at age 20, men should have their blood pressure checked at least once every two years. 
•    Cholesterol: Beginning at age 20, most men should have their cholesterol checked every four to six years. 

Age 40 to 59:
•    Eye exam: At age 40, men should have a baseline comprehensive eye evaluation even with no signs or risk factors of eye disease. 
•    Blood glucose test: Blood glucose tests are used to screen for diabetes and are recommended for men every three years beginning at age 45. 
•    Colonoscopy: Men who are at an average risk for developing colorectal cancer should have their first colonoscopy at age 45 and then, an additional screening every ten years. 
•    Prostate cancer screening: Beginning at age 50, men should talk to their doctor about beginning regular screenings for prostate cancer. 
•    Shingles vaccine: Men should be vaccinated to prevent shingles at age 50.
•    Lung cancer screening: Men ages 55 to 80 with a history of heavy smoking (more than 30 packs per year) and who actively smoke or have quit within the previous 15 years should have a yearly lung cancer screening, even without symptoms of lung cancer.

Age 60 and up:
•    Pneumonia vaccine: Men over 65 should be vaccinated against pneumonia yearly.
•    Bone-mineral density test: Beginning at age 70, men should have the test at least once and up to as often as every two years depending on risk factors. 
•    Abdominal aortic aneurysm: A one-time screening is recommended for men between the age of 65 to 75 years who have a history of smoking.
•    Yearly eye exam: Men 65 and over with no risk factors should have a comprehensive eye exam every one to two years to screen for cataracts, age-related macular degeneration and glaucoma.
Men can choose June as the month they play a protective role in their health journey. To learn how to conquer new heights to living healthier and enjoy a lifetime of wellness, schedule an appointment with a Freeman Primary Care Physician by calling the Freeman Physician Finder at 417.347.3767 or 800.297.3337 or visit

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