Freeman News

Medical School and Residency Training Lead Physician to Freeman

July 29, 2022

Freeman News

Medical School and Residency Training Lead Physician to Freeman

July 29, 2022
Dr. Brittany Winkfield Joins Staff Where She Trained for 5 Years

JOPLIN, Mo. – Joining the Freeman Health System team was an easy choice for Brittany Winkfield, DO. “It already felt like family here,” said Dr. Winkfield, internal medicine physician. 

“I’ve known a lot of these doctors since I was a student, and so getting to work with them as a student, a resident and now as a colleague was an easy change for me.”

Dr. Winkfield attended the University of Kentucky, where she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Chemistry. She attended medical school at A.T. Still University of Health Sciences in Kirksville, MO, where she received the Glasgow Rubin Memorial Achievement Award, which is for women scoring within the top 10% of the graduating class. Dr. Winkfield worked at Freeman as a third-year medical student, and then completed her internal medicine residency through Kansas City University, spending another three years learning at Freeman. 

“When I was a student here, I kept liking everything I was doing,” said Dr. Winkfield. “I enjoyed every single rotation I had and every opportunity I got, so it was a natural fit to be in internal medicine. I like taking care of the whole person and any complaint they might have. I like developing a relationship with my patients, knowing who they are and their families, who mean something to them. I feel like it makes me a better doctor to treat them as a human – not just their disease.”

Dr. Winkfield said she is passionate about preventative care and wants patients to feel comfortable coming to see their doctor. 

“I always try to remind my patients, whether young or old, that seeing a doctor regularly is important,” said Dr. Winkfield. “I am not just here to treat you when you’re sick – I’m here to help you stay well. I want to see you when you feel great, so we can keep you that way.”

As an internal medicine physician, Dr. Winkfield treats adult patients, including performing women’s annual health exams. 

“I think it’s really important because when you have that relationship with that patient, they’re more likely to pursue all their preventative care,” said Dr. Winkfield. “We serve many people from small towns, and I try to do everything in my power to take care of all their needs, so they don’t have to make multiple trips for a bunch of different appointments.”

Dr. Winkfield is married, and her husband works at Kansas City University. She said his large family of seven siblings and 18 nieces and nephews is another reason Joplin is a great place to call home. 

Dr. Winkfield is accepting new patients. Appointments can be made by contacting Freeman Southwest Internal Medicine, Suite 201, C.H. Bentlage Building, 3202 McIntosh Circle Drive, at 417.347.8350.